Monday, August 23, 2010

Know The Type Of Diamond

Pink Diamonds
Diamond Rose is the most rare and valuable diamond.The Argyle mine in the world is primarily a source of intense pink diamonds unprecedented production of 95% of world supply. However, a very small proportion of Argyle Diamonds production is Pink, in fact, less than one tenth of 1% is classified Pink.

Legend of Argyle pink diamond has grown over the last ten years. Christie's auction in 1989 in New York, 3.14 carat Argyle pink sold for $ 1,510,000. Privately, Argyle has sold pink diamonds for up to $ 1 million carats.

Years of white diamond was considered the most beautiful diamond in the world, discover the Argyle mine announced the arrival of Argyle pink diamond. Not pink diamonds displaying shades of intense colors were observed. The pink diamonds of India, Brazil and Africa is typically light in color and lighter when placed beside the intensely Argyle pink diamonds. Natural colored diamonds have been around as long as the classic white, but in much smaller quantities and never in high demand.

Argyle pink diamond is in delicate pastel shades of raspberry and rose to a strong full-blooded red-purple. The price per carat depending on the intensity of color. Argyle selects only its most vibrant pink diamonds for polishing at its head office in Perth. No, the stones are polished in different texts, such as the wonderful round, marquise, oval and pear, to enhance their natural beauty. Polished pink diamonds are available in the range of the same size traditional commercial size.

Once a year, Argyle Diamonds issues a special edition of outstanding pink diamonds that are sold in deals abroad and by invitation only, Pink Diamond Tender.

White Diamonds
White diamonds are produced by mines all over the world in various forms and sizes.The white diamonds recovered from the Argyle mine are particularly brilliant and of high quality.

white diamonds with secondary pink color

Argyle mine produces white diamonds with secondary pink color, which is a high price per carat. In similar to that described for pink champagne diamonds, white diamonds appear in bold flashes of pink light, seen from above. The rising prices commanded for pink secondary color depending on the depth and strength, because pink is one of the rarest colors in diamonds.

Champagne Diamonds
Champagne diamonds are naturally colored diamonds that are produced in a wide range of colors Cognac straw-rich light.

4C to color, cut, clarity and carat of colored diamonds, as diamonds are colorless, except the intensity of color, not its absence, plays a more important role in the evaluation.

Argyle Diamonds created the following scale specifically for champagne diamonds. Diamonds are classified C1-C7 color scale. C1 and C2 represent light champagne, C3 and C4 by champagne, and C5 and C6 dark champagne. Fancy Cognac Diamond is classified C7.

Diamonds Pink Champagne
attractive champagne diamonds with secondary pink color and are available at a higher price per carat of diamonds champagne. These stones display slight flashes of pink in their fatty fire.

Argyle Pink Champagne Diamonds are available in three ranges of shades, light and medium pink champagne and pink champagne.

As pink is one of the rarest colors in diamonds, even secondary colors demand a higher price depending on the depth and strength of color.

Yellow Diamonds
Fancy yellow diamonds come in many colors from light yellow to a rich color Canary.

The limited amount of imagination yellow diamonds are recovered from the Argyle mine.

Blue Diamonds
fancy blue diamonds are available in a wide range of shades of sky blue to a more "steel" color of sapphire.

Limited quantities of fancy blue diamonds are recovered from the Argyle mine.

Green Diamond
Fancy green diamonds are also available. Usually, penetration of the color is not very deep and often removed during the preparation of the stone.

The limited amount of imagination green diamonds are recovered from the Argyle mine.

Diamond Simulants
Cubic Zirconia
Cubic zirconia (CZ) is the simulator of the most common diamond. All commercial CZ is formed in the laboratory but also in nature. In both synthetic and natural forms, CZ is colorless, but the color can be placed. Thermal tester can quickly and easily detect the AP.

Synthetic Moissanite
moissanite synthetic diamond is a new fluid to join the long list of products that mimic diamonds. While moissanite is sold as a new single, synthetic stone, and some of its properties are quite similar to those of diamonds to lend to confusion in trade.

Natural moissanite first time in a meteorite crater in the early twentieth century, but most is produced synthetically as a natural moissanite is very rare. Chemically, it is a carbide Silicon, also known as "carborundum", which is widely used for abrasive and for use in the electronics industry.

Synthetic moissanite is a diamond simulant Cubic Zirconia, but it can be passed as diamond testers widely used by the thermal plume, as it has thermal properties similar to diamonds. However, it can be easily identified by other methods.

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