Sunday, August 22, 2010

Diamond Making Process

Typically, the kimberlites occur in groups of five or more close to each other. They are not necessarily all due to an event of the volcano. May indeed result from a number of different events during the period of time, adding to the complexity of sampling and prove their economic potential.

Geologists use many methods for kimberlites, including satellite remote sensing, geophysics and reconnaissance sampling kimberlites prior to drilling to determine whether or not contain economic quantities of diamonds.

The first step is usually to explore areas of history to recover the diamond, then follow the river or deflation is evidence of sampling of kimberlite indicator like grenades. Second, the use of geophysics to search for a magnetic anomaly is used. Sampling and drilling are then used to confirm whether they really kimberlites irregularities.

After the failure has been confirmed as an analysis of heavy minerals of kimberlite (HMA), a representative sample of material is carried in a fast and effective way to assess whether the kimberlite has the potential to be diamondiferous. Micro-and mini-bulk sampling of diamonds are then used to determine if there is a possibility for these kimberlites HMA sampling priority for the diamond concentration of economic organizations.

When positive results were achieved thanks to the original stated above, the company will be able to begin sampling of bulk materials. The objective is to identify the literature for the extraction of individual kimberlite and shows signs of the measure, the cost per ton and the average value per carat. Hence the production decision can be made.

Diamonds are Recovered : Mining
Hardrock Mining
Diamond mining began laying pipe at the bottom of the excavation of the kimberlite pipe. In this process, called "open skies" or "pit" mining, initially resisted the ore material is removed with large hydraulic shovels and ore trucks.

Hard rock is drilled and fired into the air so divided material may be deleted. When you are deeply legitimate ore, underground mining is going on at the bottom of vertical shafts of stopes, or corridors, which includes the tube. Bedrock near the pipe, the trees are sunk and drifts are in the tunnel tube.

Concrete tunnels are covered with a dug well in much of the vertical, may be 100-200 meters in kimberlite. Along the tunnels are the attachment points, or holes in the concrete case where the kimberlite is drilled and extracted from the main column, after which the collapse destabalise ("Caves") and withdrawal of focal points established. This is known as the "attack".

Broken kimberlite to the draw and the points are removed from the tunnel with a drag bucket or scraper attached to a cable and winch, works as a clothing line on the pulley. Kimberlite above the tunnel falls under its own weight and leads to a slow, solid ground attack, which was removed by the points of the tie.

Scraped kimberlite rubble is loaded into cars at a lower level and moved to the crusher underground. The crushed ore is then sent to jumps, which lead to the vertical axis of ore for processing.

Mining Slot
Erosion wear at the end of kimberlite is only the root zone, leaving only the narrow "gap" zone of kimberlite magma exploit. These cracks are vertical fields that are very narrow, with an average width of less than 70 cm. output gap, also known as "Mine Shaft, the tone is much lower and generally complicated, because the ore body is close. More than one type of kimberlite can be located in the system of the tree Because of many different phases of violating both in time and space. It could also further complicate the extraction process. Some companies successfully address the net for a long period, and Petra is considered the world leader in mining locations.

Alluvial Mining
Alluvial mining is a simpler process. Broadband operators fill in the river or explore the marine gravels, which are then exploited using conventional open pit methods. Alluvial ore processing is cheaper, because the rules do not require large correction or explosives before being sent to Mr Mills or dense media separation (DMS) plant.

In mining, transportation and treatment of river gravel, only the strongest, the diamonds survive at least one fracture. This means that alluvial diamonds are generally of better quality than the execution of the kimberlite diamond mine, although the level is generally low.


After the operation, gives the diamond ore, diamonds must be separated from other materials. ore is transported to the processing plant.

ore hard rock (kimberlite) is first crushed and then processed by the plant, which consists of a series of screens, appliances and washing machines and gravity pan or DMS plant to remove particles and light create a center of heavy equipment, which includes diamonds.

The diamonds are then extracted using X-ray and / or a table of fat and checked by hand sorting. Most diamonds under the glow of X-rays and can be identified and shared on the final recovery. However, some diamonds - especially the most precious stones, type II - does not respond to X-rays, so grease tables are used to cover diamonds. As diamonds are hydrophobic, meaning that repel water, then hold the grease, while the rest escapes wet concentrate.

The waste is landfilled waste. Some of these classes may include a business because of the rapid and inefficient processing of high quality kimberlite and alluvial deposits. There is the possibility of reprocessing of tailings dumps in order to recover the diamonds, which had been omitted the first time.

The Sorting and Distribution
Once the rough diamonds mined are engaged in this kind of experts who classify and assign a value to them - no mean feat given that no two diamonds are the same. Diamonds are classified by the plots according to their shape, size, brightness and color, but in these categories, there are thousands of variations that could affect the prices. It was at this point that the gem-quality diamonds are separated from the production of industrial diamonds. Also known as "Boart, diamonds are small, lower quality stones, which can be used in equipment such as drills and lathes.

Traditionally, most diamonds have been sold through the central channel sales, De Beers, the Central Sales Organization (CSO), but now it is common for many companies, such as Petra Diamonds, sell their goods across the auction. Buyers widely known as diamond, often family members or representatives, who handles purchasing, cutting and polishing and sale of gem quality diamonds for generations, to participate in these auctions one of 24 fellows enrolled in the diamond in the world and place bids "win" a diamond parcel of their choice.

Cutting & Polishing

The processing of rough diamonds polished stone is both art and science. A well-cut diamond reflects light in itself, another aspect as well as the top of a diamond, while its spectral radiance.

Crystal diamond processing always leads to a dramatic weight loss, which is rarely below 50%. Sometimes, compromise and accept a smaller decrease of proportion and symmetry to avoid the creation or maintenance of carats invited.

After the stone was cut, he is polite and classification, this time in cut, color, clarity and carat weight, has a four "Cs. It is then sold by a diamond exchange rates (also known as, scholarships), located in the world or directly to wholesalers and manufacturers of diamond jewelry.

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