Saturday, August 28, 2010

Diamond Jewelry Model Year 2008

A year went by the old and the new has begun. This means that the trend of recent years, the styles and methods are not obsolete and new trends and styles Hipper go to the party. This includes clothing, handbags, belts, shoes, accessories and jewelry of course.
So, knowing that in 2008 the trend of diamond jewelry is very important not only for themselves but for others it may also shop. It seems each year the jewelry trend became even more spectacular and brilliant and trends in diamond jewelry in 2008, this year is even better. There are many designs and styles of necklaces, bracelets, anklets, bracelets, rings and earrings, which offer new Hipper, happy attitude of man today.

2008 Trends in diamond jewelry are some of the warmer colors such weeded to make room for the bright blues, such as sapphire, topaz, aquamarine, and is mixed with diamonds for a classic beauty and elegant jewelry designs added this year.
Pinker diamonds and purple amethyst and topaz button added will also be important, especially in spring and summer of this year in 2008, the trend in diamond jewelry. Now, the pink diamonds in the highlights and darker are fashionable, pink is now a "HOT" is the color of the moment. This applies to everything from clothes, shoes, accessories, belts, handbags and even mobile phones and computers, including bright colors. So, to start with short time, if your favorite color is pink then this is your year.

Another trend in 2008, diamond jewelry can not expect to do a lot of great beginnings. Its yellow diamonds and other stones like citrine, yellow topaz and zircon are more affordable for people portfolio. Yellow diamonds are placed in bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, brooches and hair clips, or the same handles for fun and exciting combination of systems for fashion this year. Bring the bright, vivid colors and will let more sun.

In 2008, trends in diamond jewelry with you to see much more updated versions of the jewels of the past. charm bracelets and necklaces make a big comeback this season 2008. Instead of the standard gold or silver vintage does now, these items are available with an extra shine and beauty of diamonds, as well. These diamonds may be in a range of colors to your taste and be worn with anything.
The fashion trend 2008 Making the most popular vintage diamond other than the return of the spindle. Brooches were worn on everything from decorating a hat, pendants and accessories and apparel. However, these are proven favorites increasingly Hipper and the designs of the date of adding to the elegance of brilliant cut diamonds. In spring and summer, brooches, some animal or safari theme will be enormous, and the clothes shown on the tracks in Safari models.

via alljewelrydesigners

Sony Ericsson MBW-150-Music Edition Bluetooth Watch

If there is one thing unboxing Daily Mobile with Sony Ericsson MBW-150 Music Edition Bluetooth Watch tells us is that it is a bloody great! Check the profile of the game and shot in the arm after the final, you seriously need to arm pull this look off. It is a pity, because otherwise they are attractive spectacle: ID and SMS notifications, monitor information on the screen to see the delicious and the ability to change songs and volume AVRCP profile.

The MBW-150 on the photo is "Music" edition, Sony Ericsson has also "Classic" and "Executive" versions

via phonemag

Sony Ericcson MBW-200 - Bluetooth Wristwatch

Clock in life today is not only watches. Something must be hours and hours wrist just to display the time in reality is a sad reality. Yes, Sony Ericcson MBW-200 provides incredible Wrist Watch Bluetooth. This watch has many features that fail to adhere to wonder if both the wristwatch is possible! Bluetooth Watch is in addition it is extremely useful in daily life is very elegant and fashionable. It has a large number of different colors, making it have an attractive appearance.

It connects wirelessly to Bluetooth phones for Sony Ericcson. It has all the main control buttons are mobile, such as managing your discreet phone calls. It does connect to a distance of 10 meters from the mobile. Bluetooth Watch OLED screen, and also has advantages, such as battery, auto-linking feature, and automatic synchronization. This is the best companion for all, as it sticks with you for the projection of the value of time! This amazing show is rarely used and accessories.

Bluetooth Watch is a perfect combination of colors that shine and keep shining every time, like fine diamonds! So do not miss this exceptional watch and go home as soon as possible. Buy this shows us only € 180 and take advantage of its wonderful features throughout life.

via inglue

Diamond Type Distribution

A clean diamond is composed solely of carbon. However, diamond crystals often contain certain amounts of trace elements, which take place in some of the carbon atoms, especially those of nitrogen. Diamond can be divided into two types of diamonds, as nitrogen is present in large quantities or not in the crystal structure of coal.

  • Type 1 diamonds contain nitrogen atoms as the main impurity (up to 0.2%).
  • Diamond Type 2 does not contain substantial nitrogen pollution.

Type 1a
The majority of all natural diamonds are type 1A. The nitrogen in these diamonds is present as aggregates of two, three and four atoms. Diamonds 1AA nitrogen present as aggregates two nitrogen atoms. 1AB type of nitrogen present as aggregates of diamonds four nitrogen atoms in the workplace. Type 1 aa / B contain both A and B forms of nitrogen. A and B aggregates cause absorption in the infrared spectrum, but do not affect the color.

Type 1a, with four nitrate collected

Type 1AB, the nitrogen atom next to the vacancy
Generally, diamonds contain B also contain aggregates of aggregates of three nitrogen atoms. This is called color center N3 (N for "physical" is not nitrogen). N3 color centers give rise to the N2 and N3 absorption, affecting the blue-violet region of the visible spectrum. These absorption are responsible for a series of Cape diamonds known. Upson yellow saturation power depends on N2 and N3 absorption. N3 is characterized by the color of the center line at 415 nm (absorption of the N3), more peaks between 415 and 478nm (absorption N2) and ethernet broadband in the ultraviolet. Under the hand spectroscope 415 nm line may be visible. However, sometimes diamond cooling is necessary to absorb all the properties.

Line 415 nm should be regarded as a bluff, the series

Type 1b
Any nitrogen present in the diamond type 1B is that the individual atoms replace carbon atoms at random in the crystal structure of coal. The resulting surplus elevtion merger led to the absorption of blue light, which causes a yellow color. Higher concentration of nitrogen, the darker yellow. Golden yellow color is also possible, traditionally called "canary yellow.
Type 1b, isolated nitrogen atom substitution (red)

Type 1b stones absorb the blue part of the visible spectrum and may have a small absorption peaks at 503 nm and 637 nm. The main feature of type 1b diamond characteristic infrared absorption band at 1130 cm-1 and the line marked to 1344 cm-1.

                                                                Canary yellow diamond

Type 2A
Type 2a diamonds are rare and occur in nature as an irregular shape, and not with a clear face. Type 2a diamonds are almosr pure, containing small amounts of nitrogen. They are excellent conductors of heat.
Type 2a diamonds that do not contain vacancies or lattice deformation of the crystals are colorless. Start Cullinan diamonds and Sierra Leone are examples of the type 2a diamonds.
                                                             Star of Sierra Leone

Type 2b
Type 2b diamonds contain boron atoms as a main component of pollution. 2b type natural diamonds, the boron concentration is only about 0.5 parts per million (0.5 ppm). Boron exists as atoms replace carbon atoms at random in the crystal structure of diamond.

                                  Type 2b, the boron atoms (green) replaces a carbon atom

Boron atoms have one electron less than carbon atoms, the shortage of energy is absorbed wavelengths, visible or red end of the spectrum. The absorption of this type 2b gives diamonds their color blue. Hope Diamond is one of the most famous diamonds known typw 2b diamond.
                                                                   Hope Diamond

via netfiles

Monday, August 23, 2010

Know The Type Of Diamond

Pink Diamonds
Diamond Rose is the most rare and valuable diamond.The Argyle mine in the world is primarily a source of intense pink diamonds unprecedented production of 95% of world supply. However, a very small proportion of Argyle Diamonds production is Pink, in fact, less than one tenth of 1% is classified Pink.

Legend of Argyle pink diamond has grown over the last ten years. Christie's auction in 1989 in New York, 3.14 carat Argyle pink sold for $ 1,510,000. Privately, Argyle has sold pink diamonds for up to $ 1 million carats.

Years of white diamond was considered the most beautiful diamond in the world, discover the Argyle mine announced the arrival of Argyle pink diamond. Not pink diamonds displaying shades of intense colors were observed. The pink diamonds of India, Brazil and Africa is typically light in color and lighter when placed beside the intensely Argyle pink diamonds. Natural colored diamonds have been around as long as the classic white, but in much smaller quantities and never in high demand.

Argyle pink diamond is in delicate pastel shades of raspberry and rose to a strong full-blooded red-purple. The price per carat depending on the intensity of color. Argyle selects only its most vibrant pink diamonds for polishing at its head office in Perth. No, the stones are polished in different texts, such as the wonderful round, marquise, oval and pear, to enhance their natural beauty. Polished pink diamonds are available in the range of the same size traditional commercial size.

Once a year, Argyle Diamonds issues a special edition of outstanding pink diamonds that are sold in deals abroad and by invitation only, Pink Diamond Tender.

White Diamonds
White diamonds are produced by mines all over the world in various forms and sizes.The white diamonds recovered from the Argyle mine are particularly brilliant and of high quality.

white diamonds with secondary pink color

Argyle mine produces white diamonds with secondary pink color, which is a high price per carat. In similar to that described for pink champagne diamonds, white diamonds appear in bold flashes of pink light, seen from above. The rising prices commanded for pink secondary color depending on the depth and strength, because pink is one of the rarest colors in diamonds.

Champagne Diamonds
Champagne diamonds are naturally colored diamonds that are produced in a wide range of colors Cognac straw-rich light.

4C to color, cut, clarity and carat of colored diamonds, as diamonds are colorless, except the intensity of color, not its absence, plays a more important role in the evaluation.

Argyle Diamonds created the following scale specifically for champagne diamonds. Diamonds are classified C1-C7 color scale. C1 and C2 represent light champagne, C3 and C4 by champagne, and C5 and C6 dark champagne. Fancy Cognac Diamond is classified C7.

Diamonds Pink Champagne
attractive champagne diamonds with secondary pink color and are available at a higher price per carat of diamonds champagne. These stones display slight flashes of pink in their fatty fire.

Argyle Pink Champagne Diamonds are available in three ranges of shades, light and medium pink champagne and pink champagne.

As pink is one of the rarest colors in diamonds, even secondary colors demand a higher price depending on the depth and strength of color.

Yellow Diamonds
Fancy yellow diamonds come in many colors from light yellow to a rich color Canary.

The limited amount of imagination yellow diamonds are recovered from the Argyle mine.

Blue Diamonds
fancy blue diamonds are available in a wide range of shades of sky blue to a more "steel" color of sapphire.

Limited quantities of fancy blue diamonds are recovered from the Argyle mine.

Green Diamond
Fancy green diamonds are also available. Usually, penetration of the color is not very deep and often removed during the preparation of the stone.

The limited amount of imagination green diamonds are recovered from the Argyle mine.

Diamond Simulants
Cubic Zirconia
Cubic zirconia (CZ) is the simulator of the most common diamond. All commercial CZ is formed in the laboratory but also in nature. In both synthetic and natural forms, CZ is colorless, but the color can be placed. Thermal tester can quickly and easily detect the AP.

Synthetic Moissanite
moissanite synthetic diamond is a new fluid to join the long list of products that mimic diamonds. While moissanite is sold as a new single, synthetic stone, and some of its properties are quite similar to those of diamonds to lend to confusion in trade.

Natural moissanite first time in a meteorite crater in the early twentieth century, but most is produced synthetically as a natural moissanite is very rare. Chemically, it is a carbide Silicon, also known as "carborundum", which is widely used for abrasive and for use in the electronics industry.

Synthetic moissanite is a diamond simulant Cubic Zirconia, but it can be passed as diamond testers widely used by the thermal plume, as it has thermal properties similar to diamonds. However, it can be easily identified by other methods.

Gold Production in History

In the 6,000 years a little over 125,000 tonnes of gold was extracted. But this story is clearly divided into two eras: before and after the race for gold in California in 1848. Some calculations indicate that up to that time, nearly 10,000 tons of gold have been unearthed since the dawn of time. In this way, over 90% of the world gold has been produced since 1848.
figure Gold via phongpo

                                                        figure gold mine via judasfavre
The beginning of gold mining by the Egyptians around 2000 BC (in areas that are now Egypt, Sudan and Saudi Arabia), it is considered that did not produce more 1 tonne per year. Maybe 5-10 were manufactured during the Roman Empire (mainly from Spain, Portugal and Africa), but in the darkness of the Middle Ages (500-1400 AD) production from the mountains Central Europe, probably fell to less than one tonne. Throughout this period he was also the gold is mined and worked in South America, where the art of jewelry has reached a very high level.

Since the mid-15th century Gold Coast in West Africa (now known as Ghana) have become an important source of gold, may provide 8.5 tons per year. In the early 16th century Spanish conquest of Mexico and Peru have opened an additional source of gold. For nearly 17 centuries, from 1910 to 1912 tonnes per year were provided by the Gold Coast and in South America as well. Gold was discovered in Brazil in the mid - 16th century, but production does not seem important until the early 18th century, began a major supply comes from Russia, and an annual world production increased to 25 tons. In 1847, a year before the gold rush in California, Russian production has represented from 1930 to 1935 tonnes of the global total of about 75 tons. Gold rushes, and later discoveries in South Africa has radically changed the image of Russian production, but continues to grow, reaching about 60 tons in 1914.

The turning point in the history of gold mining came with the discovery in Sutter's Mill in the American River in January 1848, which launched a new era gold. Now gold mining has taken an entirely different dimension. California has increased, reaching 77 tons in 1851 (Golden Age, Australia) and peaked in 1853 at 93 tons. Australian gold rush to find the place, who have not reached a climax in 1856 with 95 tons. Global production at this time is spent at 280 tons in 1852 and further to nearly 300 tonnes of Australia has prospered.

Production has been raised to a higher level in 1886 with the discovery of gold in the huge pool of coral Witwatesrand of South Africa. Gold was first recognized in the eastern Transvaal in 1873, but initially it was evident that the Witwatersrand deposits have been completely different order. South Africa ousted the United States, the world's premier in 1898, a position held almost without interruption until today. In 1884, the first year of their recordings, in South Africa is the source of about 40% of all gold ever produced. The most productive year in 1970, when more than 1,000 tons mined, which represents more than three-quarters of the western world production.

Although South Africa's gold mining start-up, two other gold rushes up. In 1893, gold was found in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, since then, more than 1,300 tons have been extracted in the form of Kalgoorlie's Golden Mile "alone. Australian production peaked in 1903 at 119 tons, has not yet reached the level of 1988. In 1896, the alluvial deposits in the Yukon Territory in Canada, to open the Gold Rush, which has 75 tons over the next three years. At the turn of the century, world production has averaged 400 tonnes per year.

For most of the twentieth century, gold mining was in decline in many countries. There was a brief revival after the rise in the price of gold at the end of 1930, 1940, U.S. production of 155 tons, and the following year, Canadian production reached 172 tons, a record that was up 'in 1991. But it was the dramatic increase in prices of 1980, the industry experienced another transformation. old mines have been reactivated, and research activity has exploded.

World production of the West in 1980 has almost doubled from 962 tonnes in 1980 to about 1744 tons ten years later. A new era of gold rushes up, with prospectors swarming alluvial deposits in various countries such as Brazil, Venezuela and the Philippines. Serra Pelada in Brazil has been one of the richest gold deposits ever found, which gives 13 tons in 1983 alone.

Application of new technologies in mining, milling recovery and contributed to the growth. They have allowed the development of deposits that were deemed unprofitable, particularly in Nevada, USA, over 60% of the U.S. in late 1980, Western Australia.

Canadian production over the next three years, has increased the price of gold, 51.6 tonnes in 1980 to 175.3 tonnes in the peak in 1991. The industry is more traditional, mines, and not mine. The most important new discoveries in the Hemlo area in northern Ontario, the three mines produce about 35 tons per year.

Possibilities for the future of the mine are encouraging, particularly low-grade epithermal deposits of the Pacific "Rim" fire in the greenstone belt of South America, sub-Saharan Africa (including Ghana), the CIS republics such as Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Although the industry has faced serious challenges in the early 1990s, a discount to gold and stricter controls on the environment, prices rose after 1993 provided a new incentive. Exceed a period of rapid growth, but with less output of South Africa, world production should remain stable.

How Classification of Diamonds

Diamonds are generally classified into the categories of natural diamond, synthetic industrial diamond and diamond thin film on the basis of their training.
Diamonds are the most exciting gift a woman can dream. Words, Äúdiamond, the AU comes from the Greek word, which means Äúadamas AU Äúinvincible. "Because of the atomic structure, diamond is the hardest natural matter. Bijou transparent is expensive and is made of carbon.
Natural diamonds, as its name suggests, are diamonds that come from nature. Natural diamonds are divided into four categories depending on the type and quantity of pollutants in them. They are:
  • Type 1: This type contains nitrogen 0.3% and 98% of diamonds are of this type. They are either pale yellow or brown, because they absorb blue light.
  • Type 1b: This type contains 500 ppm of nitrogen. They are yellow, orange, green or brown.
  • Type 2: This type contains small amounts of nitrogen and is almost free of all forms of pollution. It is the purest form of diamond, and is generally colorless.
  • Type 2b: It is a rare type of natural diamond, and contains a very small amount of nitrogen. Diamonds of this type are colored blue and 0.1% of all diamonds together.
Then, synthetic diamonds are those which are produced artificially by high pressure high temperature synthesis. In this process, the graphite and the catalysts are enormous hydraulic pressure and are also exposed to high temperatures for several hours. It automatically converts diamond graphite. Manufactured diamonds are so small and are used as cutting and grinding, but their quality is lower, so they can not be regarded as a stone. Therefore, these diamonds are marked by the industrial performance.
The third type of diamond is known as diamond thin films. Such diamonds are produced by a process called Chemical Vapor Deposition.
Color plays an important role in the differentiation of diamonds. Whites are produced in all the mines around the world. Pink Diamonds are the most extraordinary of all. Similarly, there are yellow diamonds, green diamonds and blue diamonds, the quantities produced by the Argyle mine in Australia. This mine is also 95% of the world, aos pink diamond generation.

How to Know Diamonds - GIA According Guide

Before the purchase of diamonds, then you should consider and pay attention to many things to spend money, not lost in vain. We can examine the experts' discussions, such as the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). Here's what you should consider before buying a diamond.


Diamonds and other gemstones are weighed in carats meters: one carat equals 0.2 grams, about the same weight Paperclip. (Do not confuse carat with CARAT, as in "18-carat gold", which refers to the purity of gold.)
As the dollar is divided into 100 cents, carat is divided into 100 points. For example, a diamond weighing 50 carats point 0:50. But two diamonds of equal weight boxes have very different values depending on the other members of the Four C: clarity, color and cut. Most diamonds used in jewelry CARAT weight or less.

Because even a fraction of boxes CARAT significant differences in cost, accuracy is very important. In the diamond industry, weight is often measured in one hundred thousandth CARAT, a hundredth of a carat. weight of a diamond over one carat are expressed in carats and decimals. (For example, CT 1:08. Stone is described as a "single point of eight carat Oh" or "one of the eight.")

Getting Started CARAT?
CARAT, a standard unit of weight for diamonds and other precious stones, derives its name from the carob seed. Because these small grains have a fairly homogeneous mass of EME operators have used early as a counterweight to balance the scales. Modern metric carat, equal to 0.2 grams, was adopted by the United States in 1913 and shortly thereafter in other countries. Today carat weighs exactly the same in all corners of the world.


Diamond color is what you do not see. Diamonds are graded by how much they are willing to address gray - less color, the more valuable. (An exception is a fancy color diamond, pink and blue, Standard and Poor ", which goes beyond the range of colors.)
Most diamonds found in jewelry stores run from colorless to almost colorless, with hints of yellow or brown.
color scale for diamonds GIA is an industry standard. The scale begins with the letter D, or colorless and continues with an increase in the presence of the color of the letter Z, or almost colorless. Each class letter clearly defined set of color appearance. Diamonds are graded by color, by comparing them with stones of known color under controlled lighting and precise viewing.

Many of these colors subtle distinctions so they are invisible to the untrained eye. These small differences, but rather a very big difference in quality and price of diamonds.


Because diamonds are formed deep in the earth under extreme heat and pressure, they often contain unique birthmarks, or internal (inclusions) and external (blemishes).
Purity refers to the absence of these inclusions and blemishes. Without these signs of diamonds are rare, rare and affects the value of a diamond. Using the GIA International Diamond Grading System ™, diamonds are given a degree of clarity that ranges from Flawless (FL) to diamonds with visible inclusions (I3).

Each diamond is unique. None is absolutely perfect in 10 × magnification, although some come close. Known for flawless diamonds are extremely rare. Most jewelers have never seen.

GIA Clarity Scale includes 11 species, most diamonds VS (very slightly included) or SI (slightly included) category. To determine the degree of transparency in the GIA considers the size, type, location, color or relief, and the amount of clarity characteristics visible under magnification × 10.

Flawless (FL) - No inclusions or visible damage to the grader qualified at a magnification of 10 ×
Internally Flawless (IF) - No inclusions and discoloration is only visible to the qualified grader at a magnification of 10 ×
Very, very slightly included (VVS1 and VVS2) - Inclusions are difficult for a skilled grader to see the larger 10 ×
Very slightly included (SP1 and SP2) - inclusions are clearly visible at 10 × magnification, but may be considered a minor
Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2) - inclusions visible to the qualified grader at a magnification of 10 ×
Included (I1, I2 and I3) - inclusions visible under 10 × magnification and may affect transparency and brilliance.


Fuel cut, which is a factor of fire diamonds, sparks and glare.
58 aspects of the traditional round brilliant cut diamond, each carefully cut and defined, are as small as two millimeters in diameter. But without this precision, a diamond, you can no longer be so beautiful. Charm Diamond particular depends more cutting than anything else.

Although very difficult to analyze or quantify the full size of the diamond has three attributes: Brilliance (amount of light reflected by the diamond), fire (dispersion of light on the colors of the spectrum) and scintillation (flashes of light and glare, and the diamond is moved PLS).

Top of the understanding of diamond shaped like a diamond. The shape of the bright standard tower is normally used in most diamond jewelry. All other forms are known as fantasy. Traditional forms of fantasy include marquise, pear, oval, emerald cuts. Hearts, cushions, triangles and many others also gaining popularity in the diamond jewelry.

As a value factor, but refer to the proportion cut diamond polish and symmetry. For example, look at the side view of a standard cycle brilliant. The main components, from top to bottom, are crowns, belts and flags. round brilliant cut diamond has 57 facets, or 58, 1958 for an apartment, the guy at the bottom of the flag is known as the culet. The large flat facet on top of the table. Proportions of a diamond refers to the relationship between the size of a table, crown angle and depth of the flag. A wide range of combinations are possible, and these ultimately affect the interaction of light with a stone.

via gia

The Basic Method of Extraction of Diamonds

The diamonds and other precious and semi-precious stones are extracted from the ground by three main types of mines. These methods of mining diamonds varies minerals are deposited in the soil around the desired stability of mineral and peripheral damage to the surrounding environment. The basic method of extraction of diamonds are:
  1. Artisanal Mining
  2. Hardrock Mining
  3. Marine Mining
  4. Mining Mine
  5. Placer
  6. Hard-rock mining

Hard-Rock Mining
The term "Hard Rock Mining Diamond" (top left) refers to various techniques used to mine gems, minerals, ores and agencies of underground subway tunnels and create "rooms" or "Slopes" supported by pillars of wood, rock. Using the underground ore is carried by the "decline" or "tree." Autumn "is a tunnel, spiral wheels, or moving bed wing of the bond." tree "is a vertical tunnel used to transport ore and runs alongside the ore. "Autumn" is normally used for access to ore and machinery.
Mining Mine
Open-pit mining of diamonds, or "career" (upper middle) is a method of extracting rock or minerals in the soil after removal of the pit or burrow. open pit mines are used when mineral deposits are located near the surface or along the kimberlite pipes. Careers is used when the overburden "or materials to cover the deposit is very thin and / or minerals are embedded in a structurally unstable soil (slag, sand or gravel) that is not suitable for tunneling." Pit Lakes tend to form in the open pits as a result of the intrusion of groundwater.
Placer Diamond Mining, also known as "sand mining bank" (top right) is used for the extraction of minerals and alluvial secondary deposits. Placer mining is a form, or cast quarries used to extract minerals from the earth without tunneling. Excavation should be carried out using water pressure (hydraulic mining aka) or surface excavation equipment.
Marine Mining
Marine mining technology profitable until the early 1990s. Marine diamond mining employs both vertical and "horizontal" sample of marine technology placer diamonds. Vertical uses offshore 6-7 meters in diameter in the drill head to cut into the seabed and suck up the diamond bearing material from the seabed. Mining employs the use of robots horizontal seabed (remote control, mining vehicles CAT-submarine crawler) move across the sea floor pumping gravel to ships.
Diamond Geology
Diamonds form at a depth of more than 93 miles (150 km) beneath the surface. After their formation, diamonds are in the earth's surface by volcanic activity. A mixture of magma (molten rock), minerals, stones, diamonds, and from time to time as a flute pipe-shaped glasses of champagne upon reaching the surface of the earth. These tubes are called kimberlites (see table below). kimberlite pipes may be located directly beneath the shallow lakes created in inactive volcanic calderas or craters.

Kimberlite is a melt-rock matrix consists of carbonate, garnet, peridot, phlogopite, pyroxene, serpentine and upper mantle rock, with many trace elements. Kimberlite occurs in the area of the crust in vertical structures known as kimberlite pipes (above, right). Kimberlites in the trees "and" volcanic tubes "that underlie and are a source of rare and relatively small volcanoes or" maar "(top left). Kimberlite pipes are the largest source of diamonds, but only about one in 200 kimberlite pipes contain gem quality diamonds. Many kimberlite pipes produce alluvial diamonds gold.

Diamond bearing kimberlite in parts of South Africa is black (top right). Most kimberlite is called "blue-ground" kimberlite (top left) or "yellow-ground" kimberlite and can be found throughout the world. The name "kimberlite" of the South African town of Kimberley, where the first diamonds found in this type of conglomerate (see "Kimberley - Northern Cape", below).
Lamproite Pipes
Pipes lamproite diamond production, to a lesser extent than the kimberlite pipes. Lamproite pipes are created in a manner similar to the kimberlite pipes, except the boiling water and volatile compounds contained in the Act corrosively magma on a cliff, where a large fan of rock eviscerated on the surface. This results in a martini glass-shaped deposit, unlike kimberlite shaped champagne flute.
Alluvial (Place) Diamonds
Location of flood plains (or packer) deposits of diamonds is controlled by the topography of the region. alluvial deposits are generally located in river terrace gravels, which have been transported from their place of origin, usually from kimberlites.
Alluvial terrace gravels (below, left) and marine gravels on the southwest coast of Africa are one of the largest alluvial diamond deposits. best known to the world of gem quality alluvial diamond deposits located on the southwest coast of the Namib Desert in Africa, known as Sperrgebiet or "prohibited area". Namibia placer deposits of diamonds are up to 40 million years.
Alluvial diamond mining in Angola takes place along a section of river meanders Cuango floodplain, which is also along the southwest coast of Africa. One of the largest and diamond jewelry is very high quality product from the extraction of alluvial gold in the region, including the two largest diamonds in Angola 105.9ki 101.8k.
Many of these alluvial diamonds in Pleistocene and Holocene decline (1.8 million to 10,000 years ago). Diamond in these deposits have been transported to the deep erosion of kimberlites and to a lesser extent, olivine lamproites formed during the Cretaceous period, or the Permo-Triassic. Drainage west of the river of diamonds transported to the mainland coast of Africa for the final submission on the seafront terrace gravel. Diamonds which have been taken down, but have not been filed in the land, went to the sea bottom only diamonds in marine areas are usually trapped in the depressions of the substrate, such as ravines , potholes, depressions, channels or other trapsites for diamond deposits.
Artisanal Mining
Artisanal diamond mining (aka "the small-scale mining") to include no more digging and sifting dirt or gravel from the river alluvial deposits (above, right) with his hands naked, shovels, or sit. Workers who are employed in artisanal diamond mining diamond diggers are called "(bottom left). Artisanal diamond mining is a form of" maintenance "not mechanized mining, which is used in poor countries worldwide.
Artisanal diamond mining accounts for 90% of exports of diamonds in Sierra Leone and is the second largest employer after the country of subsistence farming.